

The gem variety of spessartine garnet is uncommor tends to be midway between spessartine and almandinc composition.

Appearance The "aurora red," orange-red or oran.. pink color is typical. It has good transparency and cons erable luster. It is normally given a mixed, round, or c cut. The weight does not normally exceed a few car Gems of about 10 carats are extremely rare and usual 1,, an atypical, rather dark, unattractive color.

Distinctive features The color, single retraction, a luster are useful means of identification, but the phys properties have to be measured to distinguish it, for stance, from some hessonite garnets. Examination of absorption spectrum can be very useful; where clearly ble, which is not always the case, it is distinctive.

Occurrence Spessartine is extracted from the gem gr els of Sri Lanka and Burma. It is also found in the Un States (Virginia and California), Brazil, and Madagas: Value Its

value is a bit higher than pyrope and alrr dine, about the same as rhodolite. It is not often founc the market.

Simulants and synthetics It is neither imitated nor r duced synthetically.

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