

This is the blue variety of corundum. The name is probably derived, through the Latin sapphirus and Greek sapheiros, from a Sanskrit word. As with other gem names, however, the Latin sapphirus did not originally denote the gem it is associated with today. Judging by the description of Pliny the Elder, it almost certainly referred to what is now known as lapis lazuli, rather than corundum.

Appearance Sapphires can be a very dark blue, to the point of seeming dense and blackish from a distance, sometimes accompanied by a blue to dull green pleochroism, which is only visible from the side in cut stones. They may also be a strong, but not too bright blue, easily recognizable from a distance, this being the ideal color. Other possibilities are light, usually bright, blue, with the color unevenly distributed; palish blue or, finally, blue with a violet tinge, at least in bright light. Like all corundum, sapphire always has good luster.

Some sapphires display clearly defined streaks of paler color, in contrast to a dark ground. Others have areas with a slightly silky sheen, which are not clearly delineated. Still other, uncommon varieties assume a distinct, milky appearance in strong light, with a marked increase in color intensity. Inclusions are, as a rule, less obvious in very dark stones, due to their general lack of transparency, whereas medium to large, pale stones often show distinct veils" or "feathers" caused by very fine inclusions and foreign crystals, which are sometimes transparent, sometimes dark, submetallic, and opaque, and, very occasionally, bright red. Sapphires are usually given oval or less frequently, round, mixed cuts, but rectangular or square, step cuts, with or without trimmed corners, are also possible. The cabochon cut is used as well, although less frequently than in the past. Nowadays it is generally reserved for stones full of inclusions or those in which the color is concentrated in a few streaks on a light ground. In the latter case, in fact, the cabochon cut gives the color a more uniform appearance. Stones weighing several carats or even 10 to 20 carats in the case of light-colored specimens, are not uncommon.

Distinctive features Like other types of corundum, sapphires have a striking luster. The color is also quite distinctive, whether or not clear blue-green pleochroism is visible. The overall appearance is very important. For example, a deep blue color with distinct blue-green pleochroism and internal streaks straight across or at an angle of 120°, combined with the powerful luster of corundum, indicates a sapphire of Australian origin. A slightly patchy, blue color with imperceptible pleochroism and strong transparency showing veillike inclusions and a slight silk effect, still with excellent luster, denotes a sapphire from Sri Lanka. Cornflower to deep blue in a stone without obvious inclusions but of slightly milky appearance, acquiring a distinct fullness of color in bright light, is characteristic of the rare sapphires from Kashmir. Of the other blue stones, tanzanite always shows a hint of violet, fairly obvious pleochroism, and less luster than sapphire. Cordierite, apart from being less lustrous and violet or gray blue, has striking pleochroism from blue to an unmistakable drab yellow.

Strongly colored specimens of indicolite tourmaline are often an attractive greenish blue, with a pleochroism ranging from blue to green, but the green is very different from that of sapphire which, when it is present, is always dull or yellowish. Still on the subject of pleochroism in tourmaline, the direction corresponding to the blue color shows a characteristic lack of transparency. While blue zircon has a luster similar to that of sapphire, it is an electric blue or blue-green unlike that of any other gemstone.

Furthermore, its strong birefringence, seen in a clear duplication of the facet edges when viewed through the stone with a lens, would remove all trace of doubt; sapphire is doubly refractive as well, but to a much lesser degree. In the rare cases when blue spinel is not cloudy blue or violet gray, but a vivid mid-blue, it can look very much like sapphire, partly on account of its strong luster. In this case, it can only be distinguished by its physical characteristics; establishment of single refractivity, or measurement of the density or refractive index should suffice.

Occurrence The best sapphires were discovered in a small deposit in Kashmir in 1880, in a remote mountain area which has now probably been exhausted. Very fine sapphires are also found in Burma, but in limited quantities.

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